We are going to need an explorer's mindset if we are going to be succesful as a species. When you want to conquer, it is to have more; when you want to explore, it is to know more. Steering us in adventures to new places; these journeys of curiosity, bravery and instict towards discovery lead us to uncover more truths about ourselves and the new world.
We are paralysed by common assumptions.

Analogue of Space 4.0.
We exemplify the next generation of space colonists: we are curious, brave, capable trans-disciplinary, hackers, artists, global explorers and imagineers. We love the idea of reconceptualising, customising, and designing resources that amplify human resourcefulness. We thrive on improvising to solve problems, and adapt systems, by experimenting and collaborating, to create a home and mode for learning. The Lunares MoonMars Habitat Station critical lens on engagement of the science-art spectra, and the characteristic element of restraint and surprise, is a great fit for us. We support the vision for global cooperation and Space 4.0.
LunAres MoonOnEarth
14 days total isolation
Confinement and independence within a space analogue ensures crew habitability and discovery supports the potential impact and significance for human spaceflight.
8 confined space modules
An award-winning designed environment where international cooperation, commercialisation of space, experimental research, art and culture can thrive.
1 global mission vision
Conceptual and technical realisation of the mission simulation depends on coming together with a view to sharing interests and capabilities.
6 International Crew
Coordination of synergies with 29 Remote Principal Investigators; 7 Mission Support, Command and Back-up Crew; Family, friends, and supporters from Earth to the ISS.
1 totally dark lunar crater
The far-side of the Moon, beyond the light interference of Earth, is a possible site for a radio telescope to stare deep into the Universe.

The crew

Dr. Sarah Jane PELL
An artist, researcher, and commercial diver expanding human performance fields. Sarah has logged over 500 hours underwater pioneering ‘aquabatics”. She has exhibited, published, and performed live on Earth, and in outer space including a Payload for JAXA’s Sprite-SAT 2009 and Moon-Bounce Radio Performance 2013. In 2006, she led ISUs NASA commissioned project: Luna Gaia: a closed loop habitat for the Moon. By 2007, she was awarded Best PhD Art & Science MIT LABS. She served as Chair, European Space Agency, Topical Team (Art & Science) 2011-14, Visiting Faculty, International Space University (SH-SSP) 2013; and Visiting Fellow, RMIT Exertion Games Lab 2012-15. Dr. Pell is a TED Fellow, Australia Council Fellow and Gifted Citizen.
@Aquabatics www.sarahjanepell.com
2018: LunAres 3 Crew (Lunar Analogue), PL – Commander; Mars Desert Research Station Crew 188; 2017: Spacesuit validation flights Final Frontier Design, Spaceflight Egress/ Sea Survival US; 2016-: PoSSUM commercial suborbital spaceflight training; Simulation Astronaut Project MOONWALK subsea lunar analogue EU; 2008-2012: Commercial Diver (Remote Black Water Ops); 2006-: Aquanaut Altantica Expeditions.

Vice Commander
Adventurer, mountaineer, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and aspiring astronaut. The first Egyptian to climb Mount Everest, the 7 Summits and ski to both the Geographic South and North Pole, Omar become one of 33 people in history to complete the Explorer's Grand Slam. Omar also led 3 first ascents of Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica, and attempted to row 3,000 NM unsupported across the Atlantic Ocean: before a capsize and epic rescue. Founder of Wild Guanabana adventure travel and outdoor education company, and Marwa Fayed’s Toy Run, a charity named after his late wife which helps improve the lives of more than 1000,000 underprivileged kids globally. Mr. Samra is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Program.
@OmarSamra www.omarsamra.com
2018: LunAres 3 Crew (Lunar Analogue), PL – Vice Commander; 2017-: PHEnOM citizen-scientist astronaut; 2016: PoSSUM commercial suborbital spaceflight training; 2013: Winner AxeApollo space competition among 2 million applicants.

Dr. Sian Proctor is an explorer, geoscientist, science communicator, and space chef. She is the creator of the Meals for Mars Cookbook and is a 2018 Solar System Ambassador. She was a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2017 Teacher at Sea; a 2016 Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassador (ACEAP); and a 2014 PolarTREC Teacher investigating climate change in Barrow, Ak. Her 2012-13 sabbatical focused on developing the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute's science of disasters curriculum. Proctor holds a B.S. in Environmental Science, an M.S. in Geology, and a Ph.D. in Science Education. Dr. Proctor is a geology, sustainability, and planetary science professor at South Mountain Community College in Phoenix A, and a science demonstration expert on the Science Channel show Strange Evidence.
@DrSianProctor www.sianproctor.com
2013: Hawai’i Space Exploration Analog Simulation (HI-SEAS)– Education Outreach Officer; 2013: Mars Desert Research Station Crew 122 – Crew Astronomer; 2009: NASA Astronaut Program (finalist).
The crew

Crew Medical Officer
A Mars One 100 astronaut candidate, Citizen Scientist Astronaut Candidate, Business/Data Analyst, Enterprise Architect and a student pilot (PPL). Andreea holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics (Computer Science) from Trent University, CA, and a Master’s in Space Science from the International Space University, FR. She worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Life detection and sample handling technologies department: focusing on developing a low-cost and light-weight instrument to obtain valuable insight into the relationship between events on Antarctica and the meteorology of sub-polar altitudes.
@dictolitia /Andreea-Radulescu
2018: LunAres 3 Crew (Lunar Analogue), PL – Crew Medic; MDRS (Mars Desert Research Station), US; 2017-: PHEnOM Citizen Scientist Astronaut Candidate; 2016: POSSUM Commercial Suborbital Science training, US; 2015: Mars One – top 100 astronaut candidates (Mars One Project); 2012: FAA approved Suborbital Scientist Astronaut Training Program at the National Aerospace Training and Research Center (NASTAR).

Bio-hacker, artist and researcher, JJ fuses and folds together the fields of biology (tissue engineering, genomics), informatics (machine learning), and new media art. She is alumna of New York University, Harvard University, the University of Oxford, and Central Saint Martins with advanced degrees in Biology, Fine Art, and Bioinformatics. Jaden’s career in scientific research spans over a decade and rooted in her longstanding roots as a bio-hacker. Her artwork has been exhibited across Europe, India, Asia, North America, and Australia. Hastings is 2018 Artist-in-Residence at St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne and the Science Gallery Melbourne.
This is Jaden's first space-related project. Selection in the Lunares 3 Crew as a Mission Specialist has inspired a major shift of focus of her PhD at Victorian College of the Arts. Yay!
@jj_hastings www.jadenhastings.com
2018: LunAres 3 Crew (Lunar Analogue), PL.

Mission Specialists
Mark SPLITTGERBER www.PractonGroup.com.au
Lucy Electric LLC sponsor the the Trident oil RMU and costs of participation for a young Engineer. Mark stays as a crew visitor within the habitat for the entire mission. His company Practon Group support him in commercial demonstration of a customised VR protocol by Sentient Computing for FRMU training within the mission simulation to prepare 2 crew for a Loss of Power LoP Emergency Scenario.
Robert SZYSZKO https://leica-geosystems.com
Leika Geosystems Sp. z.o.o. sponsor their senior technician Robert to visit the crater with the Leica RTC360 3D reality capture solution. Using LiDAR, Robert assists crew to document a suspected Loss of Crew LoC incident including the habitat environment and the internal hanger (incl. the crater).
Mateusz KRAINSKI, Kuba Falaciński and team @LegendaryRoverTeam
The Legendary Rover Team z politechniki rzeszowskiej also sponsor the mission and assist crew in the LoP and LoC scenarios. They train 3 crew in remotely operating their award-winning vehicle. Custom payload instrumentation maps the terrain while piloted from inside the Emergency Mobile Unit to help in LoP identify LoC.
2018: LunAres 3 Visiting Mission Specialists (Lunar Analogue), PL.
Flight Director, P.I.
Dr. Agata Kołodziejczyk
Space Garden Company
Mission Command Centre
Matt Harasymczuk
Space Garden Company
Station Safety Officer
Marcin Traple
Space Garden Company
Remote Medical Support
Dr Alex Waśniowski
Pila Medical Centre
Remote Medical Support
Dr. Zuza Sobiak
LunCares I Mission
Mission Operations
Leszek Orzechowski
Space Is More
Habitat Equipment
Szymon Grys
Space Is More
Cislunar Pilot
Bogdan Jasiński
Loty Widokowe Paralotnie Piła
Mission Support
Agnieszka Gryś
Space Is More
Mission Support
Agata Mintus
Space Is More
Technical Support
Barry Janse Van Rensburg
Lucy Electric, LLC
Principal Investigator
A/Prof. Ryan Kobrick
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Principal Investigator
A/Prof. David G. Barnes
Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform
Andreas Hamacher
Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform
Owen Kaluza
Monash Immersive Visualisation Platform
Collaborating Artist
Richard Move
Monash MADA Artist-in-Residence
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jamie Guined
Untethered Exploration, LLC
Dr. Tracy Alloway
University of North Florida
Prof. Sheryl Bishop
University of Texas Medical Branch
Principal Investigator
A/Prof. Chris E. Mason
Weill Cornell Medicine
Dr. Elizabeth Presa
Victorian College of the Arts
Principal Investigator
Prof. Peter Choong
St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne
Principal Investigator
Prof. Gordon Wallace
University of Wollongong
Principal Investigator
Prof. Gordon Kapsa
University of Melbourne
Prof. Floyd Mueller
RMIT Exertion Games Lab
Principal Investigator
Rakesh Patibanda
RMIT Exertion Games Lab
Principal Investigator
Louis Savy
Principal Investigator
Elphie Dennen
Newbie Game Company
Collaborating Artist
Piotr Pandyra
Artist Fashion Designer
Prof. Alicja Panasiewicz
Pedagogical University of Cracow
Remote Meditation
Benjmain P. Burke
Ocean Synapse
Mission Support
Lucie Davidová
Space Is More
Principal Invesigator
Maryam Nabavi
Alyssa Alikpala
Studio from Later
Robert Bolton
Studio from Later
Udit Vira
Studio from Later